Sunday, November 14, 2010

Prostitution and Porn

Bunch of jesters at the police women and children bureau and some court in Battaramulla or somewhere has published a set of photographs claiming to be of Sri Lankan “porn stars”; I saw them on gossip lanka website and I bet some of those photos are from 1980s and some are not even Sri Lankans - some of those Latin American porn stars even have Wikipedia pages dedicated to them. Yet; our police and the courts are searching for them and need public assistance in doing so...

Current situation and the stupidity of the law enforcers aside; I thought of writing down how I feel about the whole thing - prostitution and porn.

Sex sells. Just like liquor but with much more demand; it sells all over the world. And it’s been selling ever since mankind invented trading - in one form or another. Why? Because it’s in our genes to need sex; humans are a species that enjoy sex. No cultural bullshit can really suppress that need; there may be people who’ve suppressed it by some mean, but that’s not the natural state of humankind. And when sex is not available for free, there are always people who are willing to buy. And when it’s not available to be bought; there would always be those who’d just take it anyway. (Any females in here taking public transport, who’ve noticed a recent hike in molesters in buses?)

When there’s such a huge market available; there always would be people who are willing to supply to that market; legally or illegally. And when things go beyond the boundaries of law; the boundaries of imagination widens for those outlaws. Illegal sex would cost more for those who are willing to pay; and as there always is, there would be those who’d just get it themselves - since it’s illegal anyways. Those who’d run the businesses would find their own ways of recruiting and handling their “merchandise” and there would be no justice or guarantee of safety for those who would be traded - by their will or not.

The greatest tragedy in our society is that we fool ourselves over a culture that exists only on the surface and folktales. Underneath; we all have the same needs, lusts, obsessions and hatreds that any other human would possess; but we pretend to be saints outside. We make laws based on this nominal culture and break those very laws at the very moment we get to hide it away from others.

Even now; a lot of women and children are drawn in to prostitution in Sri Lanka; and most of their fate is ill-ridden. Much more innocent children and women would be victims of sex crimes in the coming years if we don’t legalize and control this. But I don’t see that coming in Sri Lanka... so suffering it is... Take good care of your children and women...


  1. Nice post. All about hypocritical beings and double standards. There was an Economist article about this too. Sigh.

  2. Very timely, and very brave post!

    Ritigala Jayasena has also written on the same topic -> "වෛශ්‍යා වෘත්තිය නීතියෙන් තහනම් ලංකාවෙ බස් එකක යන සත්ගුනවත් මහත්තුරුන්ගෙන් මොන ප්‍රතිශතයක් ලඟ ඉන්න ගැහැණියට "ජැක් ගහන්න" උත්සාහ කරනවාද? වෛශ්‍යා වෘත්තිය නීතිගත, එම වෘත්තිය රජයෙ රෙගුලාසි වලට යටත්ව පාලනයවන රටවල් වල බස්වල "ජැක් ගැසීම" හෝ වෙනයම් ආකාර වලින් ගැහැනුන්ට හිරිහැර කරන මහතුන්ගෙ ප්‍රතිශතය කුමක්ද? මේ ප්‍රශ්න වලට උත්තර මම ගාව දැන් නැහැ, නමුත් හොයාගන්න පුලුවන් නම් හොඳයි."

  3. Very brave and straight. I am in total agreement with you. Legalising prostitution will, at least, improve the living and working conditions of the poor victims of the illegal sex trade, both demand and supply side.
